Learning From Your App Store Competitors with Ariel Mitcheli

Learning From Your App Store Competitors with Ariel Mitcheli

In this episode, Leo is joined by returning guest Ariel Mitcheli from AppFigures to talk about what's new in App Store Optimization this year as well as how we can learn from our competitors when trying to get our app found on the App Store.


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Show Notes

  • Thoughts on 360iDev
  • What's New in the App Store?
  • How to do A/B Testing on the App Store
  • What to do before starting an app
  • Information to research from competitors
  • Why competitors' tech stack matters
  • Future changes to the App Store
  • Other Apple App Stores
  • Future of the Metaverse

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  • Edward Sanchez
  • Satoshi Mitsumori
  • Danielle Lewis
  • Steven Lipton
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Creators and Guests

Leo Dion
Leo Dion
Swift developer for Apple devices and more; Founder of BrightDigit; husband and father of 6 adorable kids
Ariel from Appfigures
Ariel from Appfigures
Apps are businesses! Building @appfigures and talking about #mobile #apps, #marketing, and #ASO.

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