Localization with Zach Brass

Localization with Zach Brass

In this episode, Leo talks with Zach Brass about localization, internationalization and making sure your app reaches a global audience. We also talk about all the new additions to localization from WWDC 2021 like AttributedString.

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WWDC 2021 Sessions


  • The Leading indie iOS/Mac (and watchOS, and tvOS) Developer conference
  • It's all about Community and Code!
  • Four days of hands-on training, amazing sessions, and the great community. All Swift.
  • Available Online or In-Person
Use the promo code EmpowerApps to get 25% off registration.

What is Localization

  • What's the relationship with Internalization?
  • Why does limiting yourself to English speaker hurt your app?
  • What's the relationship with accessibility?
  • Why you should start doing it now?
  • What's the first thing you should do with your Xcode project?
  • What's new with inflections from WWDC 2021? 
  • What's the best way to take advantage of formatters?
  • How does WWDC 2021 improve formatters?
  • What's Zach's biggest pet peeve with Localization tutorials?

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Thanks to our monthly supporters
  • Edward Sanchez
  • Satoshi Mitsumori
  • Danielle Lewis
  • Steven Lipton
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Creators and Guests

Leo Dion
Leo Dion
Swift developer for Apple devices and more; Founder of BrightDigit; husband and father of 6 adorable kids
Zach Brass
Zach Brass
Part swing dancer. Part iOS developer. 100% enthusiasm. Mentor @UnderdogDevs. Human to the world’s best cat. DM me cat pics if you think yours is better. he/him

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