Dave Verwer

Dave Verwer

Independent iOS developer, technical writer, author of @iOSDevWeekly, and creator of @SwiftPackages. He/him.

Appears in 3 Episodes

Swift Package Index with Dave Verwer and Sven Schmidt

Swift Package Index with Dave Verwer and Sven Schmidt

Dave Verwer and Sven A. Schmidt come on the show to talk about their work with the Swift Package Index. They talk about the improvements to DocC publishing, plugin sup...

Developer Community (Part 2) with Dave Verwer

Developer Community (Part 2) with Dave Verwer

In this second part episode with Dave Verwer, Leo talks with Dave about Swift Packages, SwiftPM Library (swiftpm.co), and how Dave uses open-source data and pull reque...

Developer Community (Part 1) with Dave Verwer

Developer Community (Part 1) with Dave Verwer

In this first part episode Dave Verwer, Leo talks with Dave about the iOS Developer Survey and iOS Developer Community overall. In the next part, we'll be talking abou...

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